- Date(s): Jun 3-Jul 22, 2025 (8 weeks)
- Time: 1:00-3:30 PM ET Tuesdays
- Open to: Women, Non-binary
- Facilitator(s): Diane Debevec
- Location: WWf(a)C Building
- Tuition: $279
Core Class is where you find your writing community! Facilitators create a welcoming space with inspiration, writing prompts, small groups for feedback, and opportunities to read and listen in community. You can bring any type of writing into this class (poetry, memoir, fiction, essays, non-fiction, or journaling).
The focus at Women Writing for a Change is honing your own unique voice through community practices that create a safe space to be brave. If this is your first time signing up for a class, this is a great way to get started, and if you’ve been here a long time you know how core class becomes your sacred writing space.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Tuition is non-refundable. Tuition can be credited towards a future class if the student withdraws 14 days prior to the beginning of the start of the class and must be used within one (1) year of receipt. There is also no refund for individually missed classes.
Venue: Women Writing for (a) Change Building
Venue Phone: 513-272-1171
Venue Website: http://womenwriting.org
Women Writing for (a) Change
6906 Plainfield Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45236
- Public free parking available
- On the bus line
06/03/25 Tuesday Afternoon Core Class WNB 8 wk
February 28, 2025
8:00 am - 5:00 pm