- Date(s): Apr 19-May 3 (3wks)
- Time: 10AM-12PM ET Saturday
- Open to: Women and Non-binary
- Facilitator(s): Vicki Phillips
- Location: WWf(a)C Building
- Tuition: $109
Explore and name why we writers resist and fear sending work out for potential publication. Explore why we want to, and what we can learn together so that more writing by women makes it to publication. Continue the journey with some tips on knowing when a piece is ready to meet the wider world, how to find appropriate possible homes for it; draft a bio and cover letter, as well as the process of sending work out. Let’s increase Women and Non-Binary voices in the world!
CANCELLATION POLICY: Tuition is non-refundable. Tuition can be credited towards a future class if the student withdraws 14 days prior to the beginning of the start of the class and must be used within one (1) year of receipt. There is also no refund for individually missed classes.
Venue: Women Writing for (a) Change Building
Venue Phone: 513-272-1171
Venue Website: http://womenwriting.org
Women Writing for (a) Change
6906 Plainfield Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45236
- Public free parking available
- On the bus line
04/19/2025 Exploring Publication WNB 3 wk
March 19, 2025
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Explore and name why we writers resist and fear sending work out for potential publication. add description…